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MDLG Bedtime Stories Bundle Page 3

  “Thank you; I hope you liked it,” Mia replied.

  “I liked it very much. Enough to offer you the opening position, you will start tomorrow night.” Madam instructed.

  Mia practically skipped home. I impressed Madam! She thought to herself. And I also got my dream job? She said, questioning herself as to why she was more relieved that she had proven herself to Madam than get the job she had worked so hard to become a professional in.

  Mia woke up early the next day, still in a haze from the previous day. She got ready and felt like she was floating on air as she entered the big top. Madam had told her to come and see her first thing when she arrived.

  “Good morning my sweet one,” Madam gushed, seeing Mia. She embraced her, and Mia had to force herself not to melt into Madam’s arms as she was held longer than Mia usually hugged a person. Breaking the embrace Madam took Mia’s hand and showed her where she would change and told her that rehearsal was in 30minutes.

  “I hope you are ready; I want nothing, but you’re absolute best. Think yesterday but better,” Madam instructed as she left Mia to change.

  Coming out into rehearsal, Mia was greeted by the other performers. She spun, flipped and twirled until she thought her body could take no more, and that’s when Madam told her to do it all again. She made them do full performance rehearsals back to back for 5 hours, and at 4 pm she finally called out stop.

  “Very good, come here,” she instructed the group of 6 acrobats who formed a line one behind another. Mia was confused as to want was going on, but she joined the queue, annoyed she was pushed to the back.

  “No, let my new baby come to the front,” Madam ordered making Mia confused. The other acrobats turned to face her, the one who had been first in line smiling encouragingly. Mia slowly walked towards Madam, who had her arms wide open. Her chestnut hair flowed over her firm breasts, and Mia swallowed hard when she caught herself looking wantonly at them.

  “Tonight is Mia’s first performance. If anything is going to go wrong it will be tonight, and I need all of you to make it look like it was meant to happen,” Madam said as she rubbed Mia’s back. The others just stood there nodding in agreement and where dismissed.

  “Mia,” Madam called when Mia was almost about to exit the tent. She turned around and saw Madam gesturing for her to come over to her. Reluctantly, Mia began to walk to Madam, who silently took her hand.

  “I want to make sure your muscles will not be too sore tonight. Come,” Madam ordered. Mia was taken to Madam’s caravan and instructed to lie down on her bed.

  “Take them off,” Madam said nodding to Mia’s training tights. Slowly Mia rolled them down, but she was too slow for Madam who began to pull them down to her ankles to hurry her up. Madam reached for Mia’s panties, and Mia resisted, trying to push Madam’s hands away.

  “Shh silly girl,” Madam cooed. She took Mia in her arms and managed to have Mia bare arsed within a moment.

  “There,” Madam stated in satisfaction.

  “What are you doing?” Mia said softly. Madam looked at her and frowned.

  “I thought I told you I would be the one asking the questions,” she replied.

  “You cannot break my rules. I’m hurt you do not trust me. Have I not been lovely to you?” Madam asked.

  “Yeah you have but, this?” Mia questioned. Madam stood up and grabbed Mia’s arm, pulling her onto her lap and spanking her arse before Mia knew what was happening.

  “Stop fussing little girl; you will learn to trust Mommy. Take your punishment like a good girl,” Madam ordered sternly spanking her arse again. Madam covered Mia’s mouth and continued to beat her until her arse was red and blotchy. Each time her strike feeling more intense than the last Mia stopped fighting and lay limb over Madam’s lap. When she was finished, Madam stood Mia up.

  “There are three hours before we open, try to be a good girl until then,” Madam instructed, passing Mia her panties and tights and leaving her to get changed.

  Mia didn’t remember how her first performance went, her mind was still on the spanking, how Madam referred to herself as Mommy, and how everyone seemed to know Mia had been spanked. Had they heard? Does this happen a lot? Mia asked herself as she was given the fourth sympathetic look in a row. One of the other acrobats had even left a bottle of lotion on top of her bag with a note saying she might find this useful.

  As the last of the tidying up was done, Mia found herself alone. She had been told by Madam to stay after the show, even though Mia wasn’t living with them yet she still needed to be a part of the end of show celebrations. She walked around the tent wondering where everyone was as she hears Madam call for her. Mia made her way to the room where she had received her first spanking and froze when she arrived.

  “Come in baby,” Madam said. She was surrounded by the other performers, all 9 of them. Some were drawing, some were watching a movie and eating popcorn, and some were reading. What they all had in common was they were in diapers and wearing baby clothes. The pictures they were drawing were with crayons, the movie they were watching was something Mia watched when she was younger, and the books they were reading were picture books. Madam smiled as she saw Mia take it all in.

  “Well, baby, are you going to come to Mommy or not?” Madam asked, patting her lap. Mia looked around the room again and felt herself move towards Madam. She opened her arms and sat Mia on her lap, giving her a blankie to hold onto.

  “You may call me Madam by day sweet darling, but after the show my name is Mommy. If you choose to stay with us, you will be my littlest baby, and I will love you so. Your brothers and sisters will play gently with you, and Mommy will make sure nothing bad happens to you. Would you like that my little one?” Madam asked in a friendly tone that made Mia finally melt into her arms. Knowingly, Madam took a pacifier and wiggled it between Mia’s lips, making her giggle.

  “I thought so,” Madam stated in satisfaction. She stood up and took Mia to an empty corner of her caravan and snapped her fingers to the floor.

  “Down baby,” Madam instructed watching as Mia sat down. Madam took a diaper and a white shirt, pink terry toweling dungarees and matching socks. She pushed Mia to the floor and smiled at how compliant she was.

  “Mommy’s going to change you every night sweetheart, once the show is over, you’re my sweet baby girl in her sweet baby clothes again,” Madam stated while peeling Mia’s clothes off. Powdering her for the first time made Mia sneeze and the woman who Mia had met on the first day, Tiffany, waddled over to where she was laying,

  “The movie is finished Mommy,” Tiffany said, sitting down next to Madam who was now rubbing her hands over Mia’s diaper-clad pussy.

  “Alright, honey. You need to let Mommy finish dressing baby Mia first, and then I’ll put on another one. Have you and Sammy decided what you want next?” Madam asked to see Tiffany shaking her head. Madam kissed the top of Tiffany’s head and patted her bottom as she crawled back to where the TV was. Madam then took the white shirt and wriggled it over Mia’s head, followed by the dungarees. Finishing it off with her socks, Mia was surprised when Madam effortlessly picked her up and carried her through the caravan. She held Mia on her hip while she put on another movie and sat on the long black couch and bounced Mia on her lap.

  Madam decided she wanted a tea and getting up she had put Mia down on the floor to play with Tiffany and Sammy. Sammy had played puppets with her making her giggle and clap her hands excitedly, and Tiffany had shown her the sticker book Madam had bought her the previous week. As Mia became sleepy, she crawled over to Madam who was reading with one of her other babies and Mia reached out for her.

  “Oh, is someone tired?” Madam asked knowingly. She had put Mia through the rigorous rehearsal before the show deliberately she had been waiting for this. Mia nodded and sleepily rubbed her eyes.

  “Yes, Mommy,” Mia replied as she climbed onto Madam’s lap to hear the end of the story. When the story was over, Madam instructed that she would be back shortly and that
when she came back, everyone was going to sleep. She didn’t wait to hear the reply as she lifted Mia onto her hip again and carried her into the bedroom.

  “You will sleep with me every night little girl,” Madam stated, pulling back the sheets. She gently placed Mia down, who nodded in agreement. As she settled into Madam’s big bed, she touched her diaper, making Madam laugh.

  “That stays on baby girl,” she explained. Madam pushed Mia’s hands away as she rubbed the diaper through her fuzzy dungarees.

  “Why do you think I keep you in them, baby because you’ll wet yourself if I let you take it off. Baby girls can’t have big girl panties,” Madam cooed. Mia pouted and looked away.

  “That’s right baby girl; Mommy fully expects you to have a full wet diaper in the morning. You don’t want to make Mommy cross again, do you? Let’s have a practice now; I have a sneaky feeling you need to wet your diaper. Come on, sweetheart; Mommy will change you after,” Madam coaxed feeling Mia through her dungarees and diaper, feeling for them to become warm and full. Mia tried to refuse, but Madam pointed to the cane on her bookshelf.

  “Trust Mommy when I say you don’t want to feel that on your pretty little bottom sweetheart,” Madam said making Mia instantly wet her diaper. She began to cry, and Madam smiled, enjoying the power she had over her. Madam began to sing to Mia, soothing her with soft, heartfelt rhythm as she changed her.

  “Mommy’s clean baby,” Madam stated patting Mia’s new fresh diaper. Madam had made this one unusually thick, forcing Mia’s thighs to remain open, exposing her diaper-clad pussy. Madam rubbed her and sung her to sleep, turning the light off and shutting the door quietly behind her.

  Mia woke the next morning before anyone else. She lay next to Madam who had dressed in just a singlet and shorts and snuggled into her smiling when Madam pulled her in and held her tight.

  “Good morning, little girl,” Madam suddenly said, making Mia happy she was still Madam’s baby.

  “Good morning, Mommy,” Mia replied. Madam opened her eyes and smiled at Mia.

  “The sun is up, my darling. Once that diaper is off, and you are in your big girl clothes, don’t get caught calling me Mommy, understand?” Madam stated lovingly, but there was a warning in her voice nonetheless.

  “OK, Mommy,” Mia replied, sad it would be over shortly. As if reading her mind, Madam reached down and rubbed her pussy tenderly.

  “Don’t worry baby; it’s only for a little while. Every night you’ll be Mommy’s special little girl. But both shows must go on,” Madam explained reassuringly.

  Madam continued to rub Mia’s pussy and began to make her grind herself down on her hand as Madam cleared her throat and raised an eyebrow expectantly. Mia gave her a puzzling look before remembering she needed to wet her diaper. She was relieved Madam didn’t spank her again for forgetting as she filled her diaper making Madam smile and close her eyes as she fell back asleep leaving Mia to lay in her wet diaper for another hour.

  As the months went on, Mia became accustomed to her daily routine of training and performing and nightlife as Madam’s baby. Enjoying the freedoms of the adult world during the day, and happily let Madam treat her as a baby by night. Madam had a way of making her feel like she was the most special of them all, but Mia was careful not to show it, she was pretty sure the others felt the same way she did. Madam had that way about her. She could walk into a room of one hundred people and have each of them leaving with the feel of being the only one in the room.

  When a newspaper journalist asked her why the Moonlight Circus was the most famous Circus in modern history, she just laughed and said, “We are a family.” She had read that out to everyone over breakfast, making half of them laugh, and the other half choke on their food.

  “A family, how very poetic,” Tiffany said as she buttered her toast.

  “Yes a family, with you Madam at the head of this very close family,” Sammy added, making even Madam laugh.

  “Well I had to make it somewhat entertaining, she was incredibly dreary,” Madam said defensively smiling at Mia. Mia smiled back but looked down at her breakfast.

  “What is it, Mia?” Madam asked sensing something was wrong.

  “Nothing,” Mia lied, making the table silent. Madam walked to where she was sitting and bent down to meet her eyes.

  “Mia,” Madam said warningly. Mia looked around and felt her face begin to blush. She pulled up her skirt, and Madam saw her diaper was still on.

  “Yes, because that’s what babies need Mia,” Madam explained. Mia looked at her inquisitively, unsure of how to form her question without making it a question. Sammy looked down and suppressed his laugh; he had learned the hard way not to laugh at his adult baby brothers and sisters.

  “Oh Mia, come on then,” Madam finally said, seeing Mia’s embarrassment. She stood up and took Mia by the hand, lifting Mia’s skirt to show the table the front of her diaper.

  “The baby doesn’t want to be Mommy’s baby any longer,” Madam stated. Mia pulled away, but Madam’s grip was firm.

  “Maybe I wanted you to be my baby a little bit longer today, Mia? Hey, did you think about that? Now that the tour is over, maybe I wanted you in diapers during the day as well,” Madam explained as she rubbed the front of Mia’s diaper in front of everyone making her blush red. Tiffany stood up and came to stand next to Madam.

  “Can I be in diapers during the day as well please Madam?” Tiffany asked. Madam took a step back in shock.

  “You must want this pretty bad if you are willing to be spanked just for asking,” Madam said as Tiffany nodded yes.

  “Very well we have three weeks until we move to another city and begin the next tour. If you are in my caravan by the time that door shuts, you can be my baby until we move out,” Madam said laughing as she picked up Mia and watched as the others ran to her caravan door.

  Comic store Mommy

  Jessie had been coming to the comic store around the corner from her apartment ever since she and James moved into the neighbor. James had thought it was silly, Jessie had never even read a comic let alone owned a collection of them. He would tease her when she went out to the weekly comic book club meeting stating that he couldn’t believe she would rather spend her evening with a bunch of loser virgin nerds than spend time with him. Jessie would stay silent during his taunts, knowing that staying in and spending the night with him would mean laying on her stomach as he took her from behind. Pounding her pussy with his chubby cock and full, hairy balls with monotonous repetition until he cream pied her hole and began in her arse until that too was dripping with his cum. She never came. How could she when he thought foreplay was titty fucking her and finishing in her mouth? When she had tried to show him ways to gently touch her clit or to lick her pussy, but he hadn’t been interested, continuing to use her as his cum whore. The comic book club was her night off from being fed his cock and pumped full of his cream. Her night where Sally would make choc chip cookies and hot tea, where the people would be interested in what she had to say and make her feel like she belonged to something meaningful.

  She wanted to leave home early, telling James the group had something important to discuss.

  “Well, you know what’s waiting for you when you get home,” he started pulling out his already hard cock, lifting her skirt and rubbing it up and down her panty clad arse crack.

  “James!” Jessie exclaimed, pulling away and grabbing her bag. As she bent over, she felt him again at her arse, hands groping under her skirt, pulling her arse cheeks apart and pressing his fingers to push her lips open. Great , Jessie thought in discontent feeling him tap his cock against her panties. He lifted the side of her panties and placed his cock underneath. Jessie felt the wet pre-cum rub against her arse cheek as he grabbed her by the hips and rubbed his cock on her bare skin.

  “James, I have to go,” Jessie said, pushing his hands off her hips.

  “Shh,” James replied, wrapping an arm around her waist, using his body weight to bend her over and st
uck his thumb in her mouth. Jessie tried to use her tongue to push his big thumb out of her mouth, but it was held in place by his hand, which was firmly squeezing her face. He eventually took it out of her mouth and reached under her skirt once more, taking his cock out from under her panties and pulling them down in one quick motion. Still bending her over and holding her again with his other hand, he guided his cock into her pussy and stuck his thumb up her arse.

  “You’re not going until those panties are wet with my cum. I want those fucking nerds to know you’re mine.” He stated aggressively as he pounded her from behind. Jessie stopped struggling; she knew she would be late, but what could she do? James had her bent over, her pussy full of his cock and his thumb in her arse. He took his hand from her waist and grabbed her arm and pushed her against the front door. Jessie knew he was close; she could feel him cumming inside of her. As he reached his climax, he pulled out and held his cock over her panties, covering them in his load. Some of his copious thick white cream fell onto the floor but most filled Jessie’s panties. Jessie felt his thumb pull out of her arse and jumped when she felt him pull her panties up. His hand cupping her from the front and from behind. He rubbed her cum loaded panties firmly on her pussy, pushing them into her cunt and arse. Jessie could feel his cum drip down her thighs. She was going to be late now, her bus would have already be gone from the bus stop, and another one would be another ten minutes. James wiped his cock on her arse cheek, wetting the outside of her panties.

  “Have fun tonight,” he said as he pushed her out of the house and quickly shut the door behind her. Jessie didn’t have a key, James had said she didn’t need one because he worked from home and would always be there when she finished work. She knocked on the door wanting to change her panties, but no answer came. She stood there, thinking about the choc chip cookies, warm tea, and people who made her feel valued, but she mostly thought about Sally. Sally, with her sweet smile and friendly manner, the way she would gently play with Jessie’s hair every time she greeted her. Deciding she didn’t want to miss out on that she headed towards the bus stop.